Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Snickers cookies

Hi all,

So I had a brilliant idea while baking cookies at work...snickers cookies!
Best of both worlds.

I scoured the internet for snickers cookies recipes and decided to make choc chip cookies and add the chunks of snickers in the middle :).

Now, I know traditionally, you buy flour, eggs, etc to make cookies but there is a lot of ingredients and it was a lot of money for some cookies. So I am not ashamed to say....I cheated....also I didnt know if we already has some ingreients at home and couldnt get signal so thought what the heck. I can do it properly next time xD 

This is the cookie mix I purchased. I thought the pic was better than this :/ 

So I began. As I cheated here, all I had to do was add water a voila (think thats how its spelt) instant cookie dough, like mash really....

Anywho, I started with cutting a snickers bar into 8 pieces, as the mix makes 8 cookies. 

Then spooned a little of dough on to a baking tray, add the delightful snickers chunk and then add more gooey cookie dough on top.

 I did this until I finished the dough....I only got 7 cookies!! 

But it's ok because that means a piece of snickers for me :)

Right into the oven they went. 10 long minutes they stayed in and got baked xD.

Then as if by magic, freshly cooked cookies are made. And smelt amazing may I add :D.

Here they are cooled. 

Then finally, the taste test :D. They were great, the snickers chunk really made the cookie extra special :) and the cookie dough wasn't bad either xD

Next time I shall make my own cookie dough and aim to try a different method for the snickering up of thy cookie :) alas it shall remain a secret...for now ;). 

Hope you liked my baking escapades, although it wasnt too indepth xD.

What have you baked recently? 

Toodles for now xx

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