Sunday, 29 September 2013

Pretty Nail Designs

Hi all,

So I thought I would share some of my designs I've done recently on my nails.

I shall begin with a little design from a last week? was it last week? or a few weeks? hmmm.....well anyway.

Here is the first design I did. I like purple, oh sorry Plum, it is the colour of mystery and.....wisdom. 

Well not really, I don't think.... Anywho I was going to do polka dots but half way through I thought it looked cool by stopping half way across the nail. I used lovely Barry M Gelly nail varnish in 'Plum' and the Barry M White nail pen for the dots. I absolutely love these pens! They are a god send!! 

Don't forget to use a base coat and top coat or the troll in your garden will come and get you, by pouring nail varnish remover in your face and hair!! (you have been warned)

Yesterday, once I had finished tidying my tower dungeon, I felt like a change nail wise. The plum was still holding pretty strong and hadn't chipped much which is great :D. 

Anywho back on topic, tower dungeon, mine has a very homey feel. I like to keep it fresh and it has a heater because it can be quite damp in there. It is covered in pictures of friends and purple things, you can find my tower dungeon in the magical meadow of..........Wait.....what am I doing? what if someone tries to steal my things and take the tower as there own?!! 

Lets pretend that never happened!! 

Right back to yesterday! As it is almost halloween! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
I wanted to make a halloween themed nail design, however that did not pan out.....

I shall do one of them next week :)

For now here is my other design

This is quite plain but cute. I used Beauty UK red nail varnish and the black Barry M nail pen. As this picture is a bit poo, I shall describe what I have done. It has secret unicorns and rainbows hidden in that's a lie....Its just dots in the arrangement of flowers. One 6 petal flower and one 5 petal flower on each finger. This is pretty simple but beware when doing the flowers on your right hand, or left hand if you are left handed, or if you can use both hands then WELL DONE! I praise you! 
Don't forget the base and top coat. :-3 you know what will happen...

Well that is all for now. I shall return from my tower dungeon soon and give you more magical nail designs :) until then my good friends, I bid you farewell. (Rides off on a magical golden unicorn) (because I said it was gold....they don't have to be white. That's what my unicorn said) (in my head) 

Toodles for now! :D xx

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