Hi all,
My geekbox finally arrived :) first one of the year, so pretty exciting! I wont lie, I forgot the theme this month....I believe its superheroes? Oh what a fail! Lol oh no wait it was justice lol
So lets get this show on the road,
Sir Socks trying to be nosy, little rascal
Here is the geekbox magazine, its now a lot bigger :) and has more in which is cool. Love a bit of Assassins Creed :)
Sir Socks being nosy...again xD this is the t shirt for this month.
Heres a better picture without the cat head in the way xD. I quite like this one, its different, I don't think I would have purchased this myself.
The pop figure for this month is pretty cool :) Robocop. Nice one to add to my collection :)
Also included is this stupid keyring. As you know I dont really like DC so this will not be going on my keys xD If you like Batman then its pretty awesome haha
This next product, is cool, well the fact its an energy drink is cool xD but I do like Superman better then Batman though.
And of course to add more DC to my life 😨 they had added a DC Justice League comic.....
Overall, not too bad but not much stuff I personally like which is why I may subscrbe to infinity crate, this box allows you to input your interests so that your box is personalised to you :D
Shall be back again next month with the 'Sidekick' themed box :)
What did you think of this box?
Toodles xx