Friday, 5 September 2014

Just me

Hi all,

I feel that recently, I haven't been as dedicated to my blog as I used to be, my Youtube has also taken a bit of a beating..... I just don't seem to have an inspiration anymore.

So here I sit, in my Griffindor hoodie, twiddling 'the one ring', with google at hand to help me be cool and interesting if nothing comes to mind.

Even though it isn't the hottest day today, my window lays open (hence the hoodie) so I can hear the birds. Kind of makes me feel like I live in the victorian era (although I can kind of hear very distant cars, they are ruining my thought path!!) Just quiet, country atmosphere, birds, my alarm clock ticking, and sound of wind, well there is no wind at the present time xD. My amazing writing bureau (found in a the local salvation army furniture depot? thing for £35!! :o) helps to make me feel like i'm in a more fascinating era.

I'm not saying that our era isn't interesting....but wouldn't say it was fascinating or kind. Technology is at it's peak (at the minute) and everyone can communicate with the click of a mouse (not a real one of course). But as amazing as that is, I feel that the magic of human kind is fading. The beauty of letters and conversations that occur face to face. What can you talk about face to face when you have already told that person everything through your phone or Facebook?
I have been meaning to write to my university friends (I mean letters, on actual real life paper) but just can seem to find a shop that sells notepaper! It's shocking really. Oh well, to Ebay we go....

OMG! There is some awesome letter paper on Ebay, even Frozen and the Care bears. Found some lovely paper, I got a cute pack, with squirrels on, here and some vintage looking ones here. Can't wait for them to come now :D.

I wish I could go into Pride and Prejudice for a day or week, just sit in a meadow and think. Ride around in a carriage, go to a good ol' ball.
Just laid my head on my arms and my watch could be heard alternating ticks with my alarm clock xD, ahhh the wonder of quiet.
Oh and another thing, someone should open an Austenland! A place you can go, where you can dress and act as if in an Austen novel, no outside world. For a whole week! would be awesome!!

I watched Transcendence recently, with Johnny Depp in. It made me think what the world would be like if the electricity and power just died. What would we be left with?

Right back from having dinner, we had duck spring rolls and chips. NOM! :D

I recently read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, and I have to say it was one of the best books I have ever read. It made me smile, laugh and cry, several times.... Definitely a book I would recommend and read again and again :). I am now reading Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson.

Well I think it's time to stop this post here, probably one of the randomist posts I have done. I do really want to keep on top of my blog and I hope that you all enjoy my writing. Please do comment on anything you like or anything you want me to post. I hope that at least a few people actually read this. If you made it to the end, let me know :D.

Oh and I promise I will start doing my youtube videos again.....soon.....I will post on here once it has been completed. Also like my Facebook page :) CLICK HERE. OMG, I'm the first link on google when you search 'facebook tanyas tea party' YAY xD. (shush, I got excited).

Right now I shall say farewell and speak to you again soon my darlings.

Toodles xx

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