Saturday, 26 April 2014

Night thoughts

Hi all, 

Jeez how a year changes you! No way last year did I think I would be here, working in a small co-op, in a tiny village with nothing to do but work. Calculating how many hours I will have to sleep if I went to sleep at 10 and woke up at 5. How many hours I would need to be alert and awake. Being on a strict bedtime. I feel like I'm 12! I'm too responsible for a 23 year old :(. 

This time last year, at university, I didn't care what time I went to sleep, my body didn't care. I went to sleep when I felt like it and woke up when I needed to. Even stayed up late at the library when I knew I would be at uni the next morning. But this job. I feel like I need to be awake and alert and do the best job I can, in a job I don't really want. Then again, what do I want to do? God knows, no seriously, only god knows, because I sure don't. Stop motion animator? Archeologist? Work with animals? Shop work? Office work? Lets be honest the second one, i'm not qualified for xD but I want to be indiana jones haha. 

You know what I want, like anyone else, is adventure, excitement. I romantise life too much, I want a movie life complete with an amazing job and a movie type romance. I'm a dreamer. 

Wow that was deep stuff for a blog :/ and for 10 o'clock on a saturday night lol. I feel like my life is going no where, the months are just passing me by. Although I do have an exciting May, a ghost hunt, 1D concert and a zombie survival day! Lets hope May makes my year. Here here! 

Anyway, because i'm a radgie and i'm in work 7 days straight (3 days in), i'm going to sleep. 

I hope my next blog post is much more cheerful xD. Hope you are all looking forward to the next monster on my calender :D. I will be posting it on 1st May :D.

Get back to what you were doing ^_^

Toodles for now xx

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Spider ponderings

Hi all,

So, I have just had an ordeal with a spider. (If you remember my last post on spiders, you will know, I hate them....). This one was kindly waiting for me above my bed for me to finish eastenders. Polite little guy xD.

It got me thinking though....when they just sit there, what are they doing? Pondering life? Thinking of how to catch tea? What to have for tea? About that beautiful girl (or boy) spider? Its trillion kids? Eating someone? Or daisys? Or summer sun? Or how dogs look strangely like their owners? Or how cats are so awesome?

Or maybe in fact they are thinking 'oh look, tanyas here. Awesome, I just want to say hi! Im spider, I hope you dont mind me chillin' here. Its a bit windy outside and while you were hanging in the living room, thought I could chill. But your back, give me a sec and I will be out of your hair. Hey where are you going? Why are you telling them i'm here? What is he getting from the bathroom? Tissue? Why is he coming towards me?' 

And bam! The poor little guy is gone! (Btw, i feel kinda bad about killing spiders! Afterwards....Unfortunately my first instinct is to kill them. Or they may come back and eat me for kicking then out. Although sometimes I feel on edge, what if their spider friend then comes after me?!) 
Maybe I think about this too much :/

Anywho, thought I would share my lovely thoughts with you! Let me know what you think spiders ponder :D 

Toodles for now xx

P.s. Don't let the spiders get you! Mwhahahah

Friday, 18 April 2014

Easter Greetings

Hi all,

Greetings on this lovely Good Friday :D. I do love easter time, and not just because of the chocolate eggs! Although over the past few years, I haven't been too bothered about easter which is sad! I used to love it as a kid, all the eggs, the magic of the easter bunny, (which is real btw) ;).

It reminds me of a book I used to have,

'The Tales of the Great Bunny', I loved reading this at easter! I had forgotten what it was called, but thanks to good ol' Google (got to love it) I finally found it! Did anyone else have this? 

Oh and, you may have noticed, my blog has changed. I thought it was time for a change, that picture was getting old xD. I struggled to decide how I wanted but i'm still not happy. It looks too generic :(. Anyone got tips of how to make my blog look better? 
Also I changed the background to celebrate easter.....Well I wanted to but got sick of finding awesome pics and them being to big or too small so gave up.....and chose eggs from the blogger pic xD. 

I aim to change my background every so often to keep it fresh haha.

As far as easter plans go, basically a veggie weekend as someone at work put it xD. I have saturday and sunday off work so its chill time with my sis :D. Stuffing our faces with chocy, hot cross buns and popcorn! As any easter should be. 

Found this uber cute bunny on google images :D 

I got the cutest bouquet of flowers yesterday (unfortunately I didn't take a photo before I left my house so shall update this post once I'm home....Hope they don't die by then :/) They were lovely yellow and pink flowers with a chick within the bouquet! It was soooo cute, I had to treat myself :). BTW it was from The Co-Op Food (where I work) for £5 :D. 

My life right now feels like its just full of work :( I need a holiday in the sun, Lounging on a sunny beach, without a care in the world. Except sunburn! 

Hopefully I can go somewhere awesome. I want to do more travelling and really need to go back to rome! That was an amazing holdiay. Not sure if I ever did a blog post on that.....Don't think I really blogged back then. I shall treat you all to a few pics from rome next post :D.

Well I'm gonna get back to Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. GO ITV+1 :D Love it! 


(pardon the pic xD this took me way too long to make :/)

Toodles for now xx

Friday, 11 April 2014

Stuck on the archeologist!

Hi all,

Ok so, I am stuck! Well and truly. Like honey on grass.....wait what?.....This damn tortoise is so infuriating. Or is it me? hmmm

I need to come up with the storyline and storyboard for my upcoming animation and can not think of a damn bloody thing! The beginning is dull too. ARGH

I really need to start animating stories already existing xD.

Inspiration, oh inspiration, where art thou inspiration?

Oh Freddy Fred fred.....

Look at him taunting me! Why can't here come up with the story?! xD. Maybe I could make myself dream the story....?......

I would do some tests, but have no magnets! Argh, it just keeps getting worse :'(. I need this done so I can start making stuff and film it! I don't have much time left to do it in as I'm hoping to enter it into the noise festival in manchester. But the way i'm going, it wont happen ><. 

ARGH! LIFE IS A HIGHWAY! I WANNA RIDE IT ALL NIGHT LONG!.......Sorry, that song came on shuffle xD

Anywho.....I'm sure I'm just either irritating in this post or something so I shall go and cry in the corner under my window......

Toodles xx
P.S if anyone has any ideas, feel free to share them on here or my facebook page here :). He is an archeologist who adventures to Egypt with his friends (unknown creature :().

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

New Attire

Hi all,

Sooooo, the most amazing thing came in the post today! I only ordered this a few weeks ago so I was surprised but uber excited at the same time :D.

This is my awesome, new fave, t-shirt. If you can't tell, this is the power puff girls supernatural style. I was seriously excited when I found this. It's from They do cheap t shirts that are only available for 1 day. Is that good or bad? hmmm. Sometimes they have 2 t-shirts that battle for the top spot of that day. I saw this posted on their Facebook page, and instantly fell in love xD. 

I think it's good to note that this was $11 (about £6.57) and was only $4 (£2.39) so it was a right bargain! It's real good quality too :D. 
Will definitely go back for more! 

Hope you check out their website! 

Toodles xx

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Papertoy monsters Calendar: April

Hi all,

So here we are! In good ol' April and just to show how wonderful england is, we had some 'april showers' today and even some fog to top it off tonight xD.

Are you ready for the next monster? This one is pretty cool but Nom Nom (March) is still my favourite.

I realised tonight that I haven't been showing the template, not sure if you're bothered but will give it a go :). So as you can see, this month is Zombunny. What a lovely looking chap!

Here he is all made up :). This was quite simple to make and the glue was nice to me this time xD. Although my cat seemed to want to get in the way this time and eat Zombunny! After I popped out the body, he decided to bite Zombunny's ear and tried to run off! The rascal! Honestly, Last time he comes near my monsters xD. Aww I can't stay mad at him, He is Adorable!

A little side view for you, He is very angular..... he likes some straight lines.

Here is Zombunny in his natural habitat, a nice creepy looking veggy patch. I don't think it's the carrots Zombunny wants to eat :/. Is that other bunny a new zombie or a victim? hmmm....

Well by this description he eats heads......of cabbages. Oh well the other bunny should be safe then. I wouldn't want to get in the way of him though or share a cabbage with this fellow.

Close up shot!!!! Oh he could be a model! Look at that pose! Grrr love it xD
How confused does that bunny look? He's like 'What the hell is that? He better not touch my carrots' hahaha.

It's bad but only just started reading these little snippets. I think its because it's under the display shelf so you don't really notice it much. Anywho here is a pic, just has the low down on the monster. Like type, origin and abilities. Will have to go back and look at past months now xD.

Well this post may be posted later then I wanted but at least it is still on 1st April :D. It would have been earlier but I purchased Frozen (the disney film) today so have been watching that after work xD. It was just as amazing as when I watched it at the cinema :D.

Well I hope you enjoyed the monster for April and indeed hope you come back for more posts about monsters and anything I feel needs to be blogged about xD. Like......Candles! Yes, I think my next post shall be about candles....hope you come back for that! If you have seen my previous posts on cheese and choccy, you will know what to expect ;). If not, you are in for a right treat (go and read the cheese and choccy ones!)

Well toodles for now (until candles) xx