Friday, 24 January 2014

Papertoy Monsters Calendar: January

Hi all,

I have been meaning to post about a cool calendar I got for christmas. I want to share it with you and post each month what is on the calendar. Now this isn't just any calendar!

The calendar is called 'Papertoy Monsters', and you can buy it Here.

 So this is it. I thought it was soooo cool. Each month you get a paper monster to make and display for that month. Each monster has a personality and description on each month of the calendar. I thought this was so different to most calendars and loved making the first monster!

So to the good bit :D. Below is the background for this month's monster, Icy Huggy xD (as seen on the front of the calendar). You get a display shelf to display your monster, this just hangs on the nail like a normal calendar would.
I completely fail because I didn't get the monster's personality section into the picture, but it is there :/ lol.
What I love about this is that its so different and so easy to make. You would need glue but it has instructions so you don't get confused and as long as you don't glue yourself together, I think you will do fine :D.

I wanted to post this sooner but have only just got the internet at home. But at least it is still january xD.

I hope you enjoy seeing my calendr each month and in feb I will also show you me making the monster. May even do a youtube video (oooooo) xD.

Hope you are well

Stay awesome peeps

Toodles xx

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